ISSN 2413-4996 (English ed. Online)
ISSN 2409-9066 (English ed. Print)
ISSN 2409-9066 (English ed. Print)
Title | Functional Aspects of Large Intestine and Their Use in Colorectal Surgery |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Authors | Poyda, OI, Polovnikov, II, Melnik, VM |
Short Title | Sci. innov. |
DOI | 10.15407/scine14.04.038 |
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 4 |
Section | Scientific Basis of Innovation Activity |
Pagination | 38-46 |
Language | English |
Abstract | Introduction. Further enhancement of surgical techniques and improvement of functional results include advanced research on anatomic and physiologic features of the colon, particularly, the passage of its content in order to use these regularities while performing surgical procedures.
Problem Statement. Improvement of results of surgical procedures using anatomic and functional features of the colon. Purpose. To improve surgical technique by studying the colon functional features and using the obtained knowledge in clinical practice. Materials and Methods. The features of content passage in colon have been studied using mathematic modeling. The results have been used while performing radical reconstructive surgical interventions. Results. New terms of colonic content evacuation have been justified and defined: colonic functional segment is a section limited by two physiological sphincters and evacuative reservoir that consists of two adjacent colonic functional segments and three physiological sphincters. The features of content transit have been studied considering the established units of evacuation that have been used while choosing the resection extend and modeling intestinal anastomosis and anatomic and functional structures. This approach has enabled to improve the results of surgical procedures and quality of patient life in postop period. Conclusions. Using the established colon functional features enables to improve radical surgical interventions, to elaborate new methods of reconstructive surgeries, to improve functional results of the surgical treatment and postop quality of life. |
Keywords | colonic evacuative reservoir, colonic functional segments, functional results, intestinal anastomosis, physiological sphincters of the colon, reconstructive surgical interventions |
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