The Use of Titanium in the Friction Units of Artificial Joints

TitleThe Use of Titanium in the Friction Units of Artificial Joints
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSheykin, SYe., Pohreliuk, IM, Iefrosinin, DV, Rostotskiy, IYu., Sergach, DA
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionOn the 10th Anniversary of the Journal

The possibility of using titanium in the friction units of artificial joints has been studied. Tribological characteristics of the titanium–Chirulen friction pair have been discussed. A technique for diamond-abrasive machining, polishing, and gas-phase thermal nitridation of spherical heads of pure titanium implants for hip joint endoprostheses has been developed. It is proved the increases of titanium head hardness achieved by pre-grinding the surface layer structure after cold plastic deformation.

KeywordsChirulen, nitridation, plastic deformation, pure titanium, tearing

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