Technology for Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions at Pulverized Coal Burning

TitleTechnology for Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions at Pulverized Coal Burning
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDunaevska, NI, Nehamin, MM, Bondzyk, DL
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionScientific Framework of the Innovation Activity
To assess the influence of thermochemical preparation of anthracite on the formation of nitrogen oxides, a 3D numerical model of the TPP-210A boiler`s furnace has been created for standard and modified burners. The calculations have showed a decrease in NOx concentration along the vertical extent of the furnace and in the amount of unburnt coal for the modified burners as compared with the standard ones.
Keywordsanthracite, burner, coal thermochemical treatment, nitrogen oxides