Socialization of Nationally Rooted Development
social space, socialization, social construction, nationally rooted development, interiorization, exteriorizationAbstract
Introduction. This paper has explored the concept of social space in terms of social quality of life, which is determined by socialization in general and economic socialization in particular.
Problem Statement. Fundamental processes, with an emphasis on national rootedness, have allowed for the mitigation of disorder in social development through the social construction of reality. This process entails an institutional order within society that counteracts the growth of social entropy.
Purpose. The study has aimed to reveal and demonstrate how the socialization of nationally rooted development, fostering the energy of creativity, serves as a foundation for the resources and mechanisms necessary for the renewal of life.
Materials and Methods. Data from international and national sociological surveys, the State Statistical Service, the IMF, and national research institutions have been employed in this study. Methods used include abstract and logical analysis, monographic review, comparative analysis, as well as social and statistical observation.
Results. The article has examined components of social and economic policy with respect to achieving institutional order and its practical eff ectiveness through both state-driven social construction of reality and the development of an internalized approach to individual activities.
Conclusions. In the context of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation, Ukrainian social space has undergone significant restructuring, leading to the establishment of new structural foundations: large-scale humanitarian aid for impoverished population groups, shifts in the balance of trust and mistrust toward specific social institutions, a reassessment of values, and a drive to start a “new life” with new employment opportunities. Collectively, these elements represent emerging foundations of Ukrainian society, which should be prioritized in postwar reconstruction efforts with a focus on nationally rooted development.
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