About the Journal

Media identifier R30-01478

The publication of the Scientific and Practical Journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Science and Innovation” was launched in 2005. Its focus is on the problems of innovation policy in Ukraine, the results of prospective research and the newest developments of the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, universities and other organizations, as well as the commercialization of research projects and their implementation in production.

From January 2014 to December 2020, the journal was published in two parallel issues: Ukrainian version – “Science and Innovation” (ISSN 1815-2066 (print), ISSN 2413-497X (online), and English version – “Science and innovation” (ISSN 2409-9066 (print) ISSN 2413-4996 (online).

From January 2021, the journal is published in English as “Science and Innovation” (ISSN 2409-9066 (print) ISSN 2413-4996 (online).

The Editorial Board of the journal “Science and Innovation” is guided in its work by the international ethical rules of scientific publications and adheres to the policy of open access.

The journal “Science and Innovation” is included in the List of Professional Publications of Ukraine (category “A”) in technical and economic fields of science.

In 2017, the English version of the journal (ISSN 2409-9066) was included in the scientometric database Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index, ESCI).

From July 2019, the journal “Science and Innovation” (ISSN 2409-9066) has been included in the Scopus database.

Since 2014, the journal has been included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in the CrossRef Agency database. The journal has a digital object identifier (DOI): Ukrainian version “Science and Innovation” - 10.15407/scin and English version “Science and innovation” - 10.15407/scine. All scientific publications of the journal since 2005 are provided with a DOI.

In addition, the publication is registered in the international databases EuroPub, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and Index Copernicus International; entered in the database “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”; materials are cited in the abstract journal “Dzherelo”; electronic copies of issues are stored in the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine named.

Current Issue

Vol. 21 No. 1 (2025): Science and Innovation
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