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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author presents an original manuscript. The article has not been published before and is not currently under consideration in another journal.
  • The author is responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research.
  • The author guarantees the correct composition of the list of co-authors of the work who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the preparation of the presented work.
  • The author guarantees that in case of using fragments of other works and/or borrowing statements of other authors, the article contains the relevant bibliographic references with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source.
  • The manuscript does not contain excessive borrowing, and plagiarism in any form, including unmarked quotations, paraphrasing or appropriating rights to the results of other people's research, which are unethical and unacceptable actions.
  • The author guarantees the absence of conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study or their interpretation.
  • The author is acquainted with and agrees with the terms of the License Agreement for the use of the work.
  • All materials in format and content meet the requirements of the journal.
  • When referring to the materials of the journal, use the following abbreviated name of the journal: for “Наука та інновації” – Nauka innov., for “Science and Innovation” – Sci. innov.

Author Guidelines

The journal “Science and Innovation” publishes articles and short reports containing information about research, technical developments, promising business and innovation projects, know-how in various fields, scientific-technical and thematic materials, as well as reports on conferences, profile and specialized exhibitions, new publications. Articles in Ukrainian (with their subsequent translation into English) and English languages are accepted for publication in the journal. Materials published in the journal are subject to mandatory peer review.

The cost of publication

The cost of publishing materials in the journal "Science and Innovation" is:

For employees of the NAS of Ukraine: free of charge;

For employees of other institutions of Ukraine: 5000.00 hryvnias per article;

For employees of foreign institutions: 500 euros.

 Journal sections

General Questions on Modern Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy

Scientific and Technical Innovation Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientific Basis of Innovation

Legal Protection of Intellectual Property

The World of Innovation

Submission of the manuscript

The manuscript of the article is submitted electronically through the electronic edition after registration on the journal's website. When registering, all fields with an asterisk must be filled in: name and surname (indicate in full in Ukrainian or English), place of work, country, e-mail address, username (in Latin letters), password, password repeated.

When submitting the manuscript, it is obligatory to enter data about all authors in Ukrainian and English: name and surname, place of work (the name of the institution must be indicated in full without abbreviations), ORCID (in Latin letters as a link, for example, The sequence of authors must correspond to the sequence in the manuscript.

Article components to upload:

  1. The manuscript of the article (full version in Ukrainian and English: authors, ORCID, institution, title of the article, abstract and keywords; text of the article; bibliography in Ukrainian and English languages; figures and captions for them). The file name must be in Latin letters <surname of the first author_full>.
  2. The manuscript of the article for review (without specifying the authors and the institution). File name <review>.
  3. If the article is submitted in English, a translation of the article into Ukrainian (technical translation) must be attached to the manuscript. File name <surname of the first author_translation>.
  4. Figures. The file name must match the ordinal numbering of the figures <surname of the first author_Fig_1>.
  5. License agreement for the use of the work signed by all co-authors (License Agreement form PDF). The license agreement enters into force upon acceptance of the article for publication. The signing of the license agreement by the author(s) means that they are familiar with and agree to the terms of the agreement.
  6. Information about each of the authors: surname, first name, patronymic in full, position, place of work, academic title, scientific degree, contact information (phone, e-mail address), ORCID code (required).

Requirements for article

The following information is provided in Ukrainian and English languages at the beginning of the article:

I) initials and surname(s) of the author(s) and the ORCID of each of the authors. Particular attention should be paid to the correct spelling of surnames and initials in the English version;

II) the official name of the institution, full postal address, telephone number, e-mail address of the institution;

III) the title of the article;

IV) abstract of the article, 1800-2000 characters. The abstract should reflect the consistent logic of presenting the results, describe the main purpose of the study and summarize the most significant results. It is necessary to highlight and indicate the structural parts: Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions.

V) keywords, no more than 8 words.

Total volume of the manuscript: article—up to 20 pages, number of figures—up to 10; short report—up to 5 pages, number of figures—up to 5. The text of the manuscript should be structured in the following sections: Introduction that outlines the problem statement, relevance of the chosen topic, analysis of recent research and publications, purpose and objectives; Presentation of the main research material and its main results, it is necessary to give the obtained scientific facts, methods of obtaining and analysis of the actual material; Conclusions that summarize the work, scientific novelty and prospects for further research in this area; Funding of the work that provides information on the source of funding, grants and any other financial support for research, the section should use only the full names of research institutions and sponsoring organizations; Acknowledgments that provide general information about any assistance in conducting research and preparing the article; reports on useful discussions and debates, thanks to colleagues and reviewers (in special cases); notice on the provision of materials, data, computer software, devices for temporary use; information on conducting research in collective use centers; assistance in technical preparation of the text; as well as everything else that is assessed as useful assistance, but is not sufficient to be considered a contribution to the authorship of the work; References.

Article text. MS Word (*.dos) word processor should be used for typing the text. The text size must be 12 points at one and a half intervals on A4 format paper. The title of the article, titles of the sections are typed in capital letters and highlighted in bold. It is necessary to provide definitions of values or abbreviations that are first used in the text, and then use the corresponding term.

Tables must be designed using the MS Word spreadsheet editor and presented in the text after the first reference to the table with its number and name. The use of pseudo-graphic symbols for the design of tables is not allowed.

Formulas must be typed in Equation or MathType formula editors.

Figures must be submitted in separate files in *.tiff format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, no more than 160×200 mm in size. Figures are numbered in the order of their placement in the text, parts of the figures are denoted by letters: a, b, .... The size of the text in the figures must be 10 points. On the graphs, the units of measurement are indicated over a comma. Figures made with the help of software packages for mathematical and statistical processing must be converted to the above graphic format. Photos must be submitted in *.tiff format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions and texts in graphic files should be in the form of curves. If there are significant text parts in the figures (more than 100 characters), they must be submitted separately typed text in the MS Word and placed in the text of the article after captioning the corresponding figure.

Captions to the figures are given in the manuscript after the list of references.

 The list of references should be given at the end of the article. References to literary sources (books (monographs, separate chapters, etc.), articles from scientific periodicals, conference proceedings, patents and copyright certificates, dissertations or abstracts, electronic resources) are numbered sequentially, in the order of their citation in the text of the article. References to unpublished and unfinished works are not allowed.

Titles of articles, monographs, collections of works, theses of reports, dissertation abstracts and preprints must be indicated in full. For articles, it is obligatory to give surnames of all co-authors (if authors number from one to seven; if there are eight or more authors, list the first six authors, put an ellipsis (…) and specify the last author), the title of the publication, year, volume, number, start and end pages; for monographs, place of publication (indicate the full name of the city), year of publication, total number of pages.

REFERENCES is a list of sources translated into English and designed in accordance with the APA (American Psychological Association) style. The names of periodicals (journals) are given in accordance with their official Latin spelling by ISSN registration number. The source must be accompanied by an indication of the original language (for example: [in Ukrainian]) and DOI (if available), for example:


Articles in journals

Kotlyarevskyy, Ya. V., Kniaziev, S. I., Melnikov, A. V. (2015). Development directions of innovative processes in publishing and printing industry. Science and Innovation, 11 (2), 5–19 [in Ukrainian].

Surianinov, M., Shyliaiev, O. (2018). Calculation of plate-beam systems by method of boundary elements. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 7(2), 238–241. doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.23.11927.


Tunytsya, Yu. Yu. (2006). Ecological economy and market: Contradictions overcoming. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

Dementiev, V. Ye. (2016). Long waves in the economy: institutional aspectIn Crises and forecasts in the light of the theory of long waves (Eds. L. Ye. Grinin, A. V. Korotayev, R. S. Grinberg). Moscow: Moscow editors’ office of Publishing house Uchitel. P. 124–139. [in Russian].

Materials of conferences

Vovk, М. І., Peleshok, S. R., Galyan, E. B., Ovcharenko, М. А. (2016, February). Method for the motor and sensory speech disorders assessing. Collection of articles of the scientific information center "Knowledge" based on the materials of the XI international correspondence scientific-practical conference: "The development of science in the XXI century", part 3 (15 Feb 2016, Kharkiv). Dnipropetrovsk, 64–70 [in Russian].


Vovk, М. І., Halian, Ye. B., Pidopryhora, О. М. Patent of Ukraine № 111388. A method of treating speech disorders [in Ukrainian].

Copyright certificates

s. 1810306 SSSR, MKI5 S 02 F 1/469. Sposob demineralizacii vodnyh rasvorov. V. D. Grebenjuk, N. P. Strizhak, V. V. Goncharuk, A. O. Samsoni-Todorov, A. V. Grechko. No. 4934753; zajavl. 08.05.91; opubl. 23.04.93, Bjul. No. 15.

Dissertations and abstracts of dissertations

Vinichenko, О. М. (2017). System of dynamic control of socio-economic development of an industrial enterprise. (PhD) (Econom.). Dnepr [in Ukrainian].

Regulatory documents

On Higher Education: Law of Ukraine from 05.09.2016. No. 2145-VII. Voice of Ukraine. 2016. September 27 (No. 178-179), pp. 10–22 [in Ukrainian].

Social Welfare Issue: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 28.12.2017. No. 1060. Official Bulletin of Ukraine. 2018. No. 5, pp. 430–443 [in Ukrainian].

DSTU B V.2.7-226:2009 (2010). Building materials. Concretes ultrasonic method of strenght determination. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

Online resources

Scientific publications and publishing activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. URL: (Last accessed: 19.03.2014).

When referring to the materials of the journal, use the following abbreviated name of the journal: for “Наука та інновації” – Nauka innov., for “Science and Innovation” – Sci. innov.

Articles submitted without complying with the requirements of the editorial board will not be considered for review.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of information, facts and other information, references to regulations, citations and spelling of proper names.

General Questions on Modern Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy

General Questions on Modern Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy
          - legal and methodological foundations
          - economic aspects
          - discussion forum

Scientific and Technical Innovation Projects of the National Academy of Sciences

Scientific and Technical Innovation Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Scientific Basis of Innovation

The Scientific Basis of Innovation
          - instrumentation
          - telecommunications and navigation
          - nanotechnology and functional materials
          - transportation and construction technologies
          - agriculture and agricultural technology
          - environmental technology and biotechnology
          - energy and resource saving

Legal Protection of Intellectual Property

Legal Protection of Intellectual Property

The World of Innovation

The World of Innovation
          - know-how and technology transfer
          - innovative structures
          - in terms of numbers
          - ongoing information in science and innovation field

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.