Fundamentals of the Theory of Restoration Processes




theoretical foundations, restoration processes, restoration technology, architectural monuments


Introduction. The development and justification of the modern fundamentals of the theory of restoration processes is a critical issue that enables continued innovation and improvement in the foundations of technology implementation and the methodology of organizational and technological design for the restoration of architectural monuments.
Problem Statement. This process requires establishing a new system of logical principles for restoration, which includes fundamental provisions, assumptions, and organizational and technological constraints. This system, in its entirety, illuminates the core logic underlying the theory of restoration processes.
Purpose. To substantiate the foundations of the theory of restoration processes by developing a system of principles and logical proofs tailored to the unique properties of both the object and subject of research — the architectural monuments and the processes of their restoration.
Materials and Methods. A systematic and comprehensive approach has been employed, considering modern theories and principles of architectural restoration. The conceptual foundation is the indispensable requirement to ensure the authenticity of the object of restoration, whether the entire structure, its parts, or individual elements.
Results. A system of theoretical propositions, assertions, and logical constructs describing the foundations of the theory of restoration processes for architectural monuments has been developed. The research confirms that the central logical element of this theory is the concept of a single, concurrent process of transformation, where both the material elements and the object of restoration are treated as a unified subject of work within the restoration process.
Conclusions. The creation of the theoretical foundations for restoration processes applied to architectural monuments has enabled the organization of modern ideas, principles, and approaches into an open, internally differentiated, and cohesive system of knowledge. In this framework, the restoration process has been considered a specific sequence of actions for executing a complex set of restoration processes of varying complexity. The essence, structure, and established combinations of these processes have been determined by the system properties of the restoration object, the conditions under which the restoration is performed, and the existing organizational and technological constraints.


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How to Cite

OSIPOV, S. (2024). Fundamentals of the Theory of Restoration Processes. Science and Innovation, 20(6), 91–100.



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