Analysis of Land Use in the Seaside Regions of Ukraine in 2017—2022 Based on Satellite Information
land use, land cover, natural assets, land resource management, remote sensing of the Earth, satellite data, deep learning, convolutional neural networksAbstract
Introduction. Land is recognized as a primary national asset under the special protection of the state, as mandated by Ukrainian law. It serves as the foremost natural resource, a vital foundation for human life and activity, and underpins the establishment and development of all sectors of the national economy. Therefore, an eff ectively organized, sustainable economy is unattainable without the rational utilization and protection of land resources.
Problem Statement. Research on land use in Ukraine’s coastal regions has become especially relevant. Since parts of these areas have been under occupation since 2014, understanding the spatial-temporal variability of land use in these regions presents significant challenges for Ukraine.
Purpose. To analyze land use in the coastal regions of Ukraine using satellite data to assess spatio-temporal changes.
Materials and Methods. This research utilized land use/land cover (LULC) mapping based on satellite data from Sentinel-2, analyzed through deep learning models using artificial neural networks.
Results. The spatial distribution of land use in Ukraine’s coastal regions in 2022 was thoroughly analyzed. Additionally, the spatio-temporal variability of land use from 2017 to 2022 was assessed, revealing distinctive patterns in the spatial distribution of various land cover classes. The findings show that the innovative approaches to LULC mapping and the resulting data can be effectively applied to land resource management in Ukraine.
Conclusions. The LULC mapping approach demonstrates significant potential for interdisciplinary research and applied work in natural resource management and territorial planning at both the national and regional levels. Moreover, these innovative LULC mapping methods present a robust tool for identifying and understanding the scale of natural, anthropogenic, and military-induced emergencies.
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