Influence of AI Tools on Consumer Behavior Management in Digital Marketing
artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence tools, behavior management, digital marketing, Meta Ads, advertising campaign performance, marketing research, digital spaceAbstract
Introduction. With the rapid advancement of digital technologies, online advertising has become essential for effective brand communication with target audiences in digital spaces.
Problem Statement. It has been hypothesized that artificial intelligence (AI) tools can enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, leading to increased sales, higher profits for advertisers, and improved returns on marketing investments.
Purpose. This study aims to examine the impact of AI tools on managing consumer behavior in digital marketing.
Material and Methods. An experiment has been conducted on the Meta Ads platform to compare the outcomes of advertising campaigns configured with AI tools versus manual settings. Two test groups of advertising campaigns have been selected based on the competence and awareness of the management targets. Using Kohonen maps, the refl exive characteristics of the management targets in these groups have been assessed. By employing both manual settings and AI tools, an experiment has been carried out by a digital marketing specialist to modify potential customers’ reflexive characteristics and investigate changes in their behavior regarding targeted actions within the advertising campaigns. Results have been compared across both configurations.
Results. The study has shown that AI tools enable effective influence on user behavior in digital spaces. AI-generated recommendations have led to increased reach, clicks, and conversions from ad links, with the greatest efficiency observed when targeting potential customers. Potential areas for further research have also been identified.
Conclusions. Leveraging AI tools in Meta Ads campaigns enables advertisers to increase product sales and improve returns on marketing investments.
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