Polymer Composite Materials of Special Purpose for the Aerospace and Rocket Industry





polymer composite materials, fluoropolymers, aromatic polyamides, physical and mechanical properties, friction, wear, aviation and space industry


Introduction. The advancement of the aviation and space industry has not only led to the creation of modern aircraft, rockets, and spacecraft but has also positively infl uenced related industries.
Problem Statement. A critical requirement for aviation and space industry products is a high level of reliability and durability due to their continuous interaction with humans and the significant costs of production and operation. This is particularly relevant for modern aircraft, rockets, and spacecraft, which operate at higher speeds, temperatures, and loads than their predecessors. Therefore, enhancing the reliability and durability of such products has become a pressing challenge.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to increase the reliability and durability of key components in rocket and space technology by replacing conventional materials with newly developed ones.
Materials and Methods. The research has focused on polymer composite materials (PCMs) based on fluoropolymers and aromatic polyamides, filled with dispersed materials derived from silicon dioxide and carbon.
Results. Formulations and processing technologies for PCMs based on fluoropolymers and aromatic polyamides have been developed. These materials have been shown to surpass most non-ferrous metals, their alloys, and low-carbon steels in strength (up to 285 MPa) while maintaining a low density (up to 1400 kg/m³). In terms of thermophysical properties, they have demonstrated exceptional heat resistance, with no thermal decomposition observed up to +365 oC. Furthermore, parts manufactured from these materials have proven capable of operating in friction nodes without lubrication under normal loads of up to 2.5 MPa.
Conclusions. The developed polymer composite materials based on fluoropolymers and aromatic polyamides exhibit a high level of mechanical and thermal properties. Components made from these materials signifi cantly enhance the reliability and durability of modern aircraft, rockets, and spacecraft, representing a substantial advancement for the aerospace and rocket industry.


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How to Cite

KABAT, O., BANNYK, N., & VORONYI, O. (2025). Polymer Composite Materials of Special Purpose for the Aerospace and Rocket Industry. Science and Innovation, 21(1), 95–103. https://doi.org/10.15407/scine21.01.095



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