Sustainable Development, Innovation, and Security on the Рages of the Encyclopedia of International Law
sustainable development, ecology, innovations, national security, economic security, Encyclopedia of International LawAbstract
Introduction. The priority areas for the development of science are fundamental research on the most important problems of society and nature, which ensures the global competitiveness of Ukraine and sustainable development
of both society and the state.
Problem Statement. In difficult times of numerous threats to the territorial integrity, economic and environmental security of the state, global problems related to climate change, military conflicts, the spread of the COVID-19
virus, etc., the Ukrainian science responds to these challenges at a decent level. Among the achievements of Ukrainian science is the Encyclopedia of International Law that is the only publication of this level and volume in the
post-Soviet space and the second one in the world after the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to analyze the coverage of such categories as sustainable development, ecology, innovation, and security on the pages of the Encyclopedia of International Law.
Materials and Methods. The legalistic approach to the analysis of texts of normative and legal acts and the statistical methods of structuring and comparative analysis of acts of legislation have been used. The general scientific methods of cognition such as systemic and structural approaches, analysis and synthesis, induction and
deduction have applied as well.
Results. Extensive economic growth leads to environment degradation and depletion of resources, which requires either increasingly intensive (technological) production methods that are even more dangerous to the environment, or extensive approaches to cover new territories and to oust competitors. This situation currently poses a threat to national territorial, environmental, and economic security.
Conclusions. Having studied the coverage of such concepts as sustainable development, ecology, innovation, and security on the pages of the Encyclopedia of International Law, we found an international tendency to perceive them as interrelated and interdependent rather than separate categories.
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