Investment Attractiveness and Multiplier Effects for the National Economy from the Development of the Titanium Industry
Keywords: titanium industry, investments, full-cycle production, investment project, multiplier effects, gross output growth, gross added value, cost-output table, scenario calculations.Abstract
Introduction. The development of titanium production in Ukraine through the creation of a full cycle of production should become a priority in the policy of development of strategic types of activities and correspond to national interests in the country’s economy.
Problem Statement. Ensuring domestic needs for metallic titanium and increasing its export in the future requires the development of high-tech industry, in particular, the production of finished products of metallic titanium. It is important to calculate the macroeconomic effects of the development of titanium production.
Purpose. To justify the attractiveness of projects for investors and to evaluate the macroeconomic multiplier effects of the development of titanium production in Ukraine in the direction of in-depth processing of raw materials and the manufacture of finished products.
Materials and Methods. The basis of the study is the construction of a system of balanced indicators for assessing the attractiveness of the investment project for the state, domestic and foreign investors. Calculations of multiplier effects for the economy were made on the basis of the input-output datasheets in basic prices due to increases in gross output and gross added value for the type of economic activity.
Results. A multi-stage study of the investment project of the construction of a new titanium plant and the impact of the development of the titanium industry on the economy of Ukraine was carried out based on the calculations of the multiplier effects of national significance. Methodological approaches are shown, which are also appropriate for other strategically important promising types of industry in the post-war period.
Conclusions. The development of a complete closed cycle for the production of metallic titanium and products from it requires the formation of a state policy to stimulate investors in terms of the formation of favorable conditions for their activity. This is indicated by the obtained evaluations of the attractiveness of the titanium investment project, the results of the multiplier effects of the increase in gross output and the expected growth in gross added value, in particular, when transitioning from the production of titanium sponge to the production of finished titanium products.
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