Innovation Approaches to the Construction of Bioinformation Systems with Databases: Keys Based on Genetic Codes
information technologies, information system, databases, primary key, coding, biomedical information, chemical substancesAbstract
Introduction. The application of achievements of biology, biophysics in technique opens new opportunities for
innovations, in particular for construction of relational databases (DB) with biomedical data, helps solve problems and obtain results at qualitatively new level.
Problem Statement. The development of information systems with biomedical information is relevant both in
peacetime and in wartime. Implementation of contemporary information and computer technologies for the development of information systems with DB in biology and medicine has its own specifics. That is why innovative
approaches for the construction of biomedical relational DBs with use of keys with advanced capabilities are
Purpose. The development and design of biomedical relational DBs with keys based on genetic codes of organisms in alphanumeric expression with further application as part of the novel bioinformation systems.
Materials and Methods. Methods of object-oriented system analysis for optimal construction of DBs with
biomedical information, method of Entity-Relations (ER)-diagrams design, methods of DB design.
Results. By the example of relational DB with information about some fish species, the approach based on
object-oriented analysis for the construction of DBs in optimal way has been suggested, applied, and the algorithm of their construction has been described. Particular attention is attracted to the solution of creating keys based on genetic codes of fishes in alphanumeric expression (especially the primary keys) that provide links between individual tables of DBs, ensure integrity of information in such system and reliable access. The high level of data individualization with using the keys based on genetic codes in DB has been analyzed and substantiated.
Conclusions. The results can be used for the creation of appropriate information systems, including bioinformation systems. They have both theoretical, for the further development of DBs construction methods, and practical value for improving some methods of data protection and can be useful to solve tasks of construction of DBs with biomedical materials for peacetime and wartime use.
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