Current Status and Features of the Development of Technoparks in Ukraine
: technology park, science and innovation center, innovation-driven development, and innovation infrastructure.Abstract
Introduction. The R&D potential of innovation infrastructure entities is a key factor in the implementation of innovation-driven development of the national economy, with technology park being precisely the innovation structure that unites it, ensuring the functioning of the model.
Problem Statement. Many aspects of regulatory, financial, and information framework of technoparks have been not settled so far. Methodological approaches to assessing the park efficiency have been underdeveloped. In this context, there is the necessity in the theoretical justification and the formation of a holistic view of the status and features of their activity in the conditions of the protracted aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the problems of domestic technology parks, to identify their capabilities, and to determine the trends in their development under the present-day conditions.
Material and Methods. The methods of dialectical and complex research have been employed: the empirical evaluation to identify the available methods of evaluating the activity of technoparks; the theoretical and cognitive analysis to determine the essence and to justify the features of technology parks; the general methods to identifymethodological problems of integrating technology parks into the financial system and describing approaches to the concept of an innovation form of business.
Results. The development of technology parks in Ukraine, their government support, systematized criteria for evaluating their efficiency have been analyzed. It has been determined that the priority in the creation of technology parks should be given to industries with high export potential. It has been proven that technology parks minimize the duration of the "research-development-implementation" cycle, the main tasks for their improvement in Ukraine have been outlined.
Conclusions. Technoparks are the most successful form of integration of science and production, which ensures rapid development, implementation, and use of innovations. Improving the legal framework for their operation in order to create the same operating conditions for all, not only for "selected" technology parks, increases competition between them, while modernizing the tax policy contributes to the growth of in-house sources of financing and their direction to the development of promising innovation projects.
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