digital humanitarian project, digital humanitiesAbstract
Introduction. Digitalization and innovative sphere of scholarly research, "digital humanities", integrates the methodological apparatus and develops the potential of the humanities and engineering sciences under the condition of their effective interaction. One of the elements of the infrastructure of the digital humanities is research projects to create resources and databases of humanities knowledge.
Problem Statement. Defining the concept of digital humanitarian project and its features is important for the development of interdisciplinary methodology of humanities and information technology.
Purpose. The purpose is to substantiate the properties of Digital Humanitarian Project (DHP) as innovative research product, which is important in modern scientific communication and should be an officially recognized type of scholarly research electronic publication.
Materials and Methods. Methods for historiographical and structural analysis and synthesis of DHP research concepts and completion of humanitarian digital projects at the NAS of Ukraine, and several other methods have been used.
Results. For the first time the research has summarized the concept of DHP as interdisciplinary research product based on the analysis of modern concepts of digital humanities.
Conclusions. The digital humanitarian project as a component of the digital humanities is an innovative research result and a type of scholarly research publication. The specific criteria are as follows: intellectual and innovative contribution of the interdisciplinary team to the development of scientific knowledge; importance for the development of educational and research infrastructure; influence on other DHP. The new model of scientific communication provides for the introduction and improvement of digital technologies in the processes of research and procedures for obtaining, processing, publishing, managing, and using scientific data, forming relevant humanities knowledge bases using achievements of socio-humanities, library and information activities etc. The criterion of new knowledge is not only a new content, but also new means of organization, classification, and interaction with this content.
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