The Problems of the Creation of a Patent Landscape by the Example of Blockchain Technology
blockchain, patent landscape, inventions, patent statistics, patentscope, database, competitionAbstract
Introduction. The growing interest and huge prospects for the development of blockchain technology have in dicated a high relevance of research on this ecosystem.
Problem Statement. The priority development of patent analysis technologies is a result of rapid changes in the digital environment. In this regard, information support of the problems of innovative development of digital so ciety, which includes the formation of a patent monitoring system for the development of individual technological areas, in particular, blockchain.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to assess the problems of building a patent landscape for determining innovative attractiveness and identifying the development trends of blockchain technology.
Materials and Methods. The study has been conducted with the use of international patent resource PATENTSCOPE. The citation of inventions of blockchain technology has been analyzed based on the Derwent database on the Web of Science platform.
Results. The problems related to the creation of a patent landscape have been assessed; the modern development indicators and the world trends in the blockchain technology have been analyzed; the features of its development in leading economies and corporations of the world have been identified. The patent activity of firms in the world leading countries at the international and national level has been assessed. The blockchain technological segments have been positioned, with transactions and blockchain platforms found the most attractive ones.
The inventions with the greatest number of references, which testifies to their innovative attractiveness have been identified.
Conclusions. Patent analytics is a very powerful tool for assessing technological trends by building patent landscapes and monitoring them. Knowledge of the problems related to the study and the construction of patent landscape allows obtaining objective results and correctly interpreting the development trends of the R&D field under review.
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