Application of Siliceous Mineral Analcite for Optimizing the Physiological, Biochemical, Allelopathic, and Microbiological Properties of Plant-Soil System




Keywords: winter wheat, corn, sugar beet, analcite, microbiocenosis, allelochemicals, moisture supply, soil sickness.


Introduction. The global climate change has caused uneven rainfall that impairs the hydro-physical properties of the soil and disrupts the microbiological processes. As a result, allelopathic soil sickness may occur.
Problem Statement. The search for and implementation of new effective and safe techniques to regulate the physiological, biochemical, allelopathic, and microbiological state of the plant-soil system are an urgent need in unstable ecological conditions.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to optimize the physiological, biochemical, allelopathic, and microbiological properties of the plant-soil system under conditions of moisture deficiency and soil sickness, with the use
of siliceous mineral analcite.
Materials and Methods. The effect of siliceous mineral analcite at a concentration of 0, 100, 200, and 300 mg per 200 ml soil substrate on the growth, moisture water regime of wheat and maize plants in model vegetation experiments under different moisture conditions (20%, 40% and 60% of full moisture capacity) and soil substrate type has been studied. In the field experiment, analcite is applied at a rate of 50 kg/ha before planting sugar beet seeds. The redox conditions, the content of phenolic compounds, and soil microbiological parameters in mo del and field experiments have been analyzed.
Results. The use of analcite has been established to optimize the growth, moisture regime of plants, as well as the allelopathic properties of the plant-soil system by reducing the content of free phenols, activating the development of microbial coenoses and redox processes. No phytotoxic manifestation of analcite has been noted.

Conclusion. The application of analcite to improve the physiological, biochemical, allelopathic, and microbiological properties of the plant-soil system has been proposed. The prospects for the use of this mineral to improve the adaptability of plants in conditions of drought and soil sickness have been outlined.


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How to Cite

Zaimenko, N., Pavliuchenko, N., Didyk, N., Ellanska, N., & Yunosheva, O. (2022). Application of Siliceous Mineral Analcite for Optimizing the Physiological, Biochemical, Allelopathic, and Microbiological Properties of Plant-Soil System. Science and Innovation, 18(1), 44–55.



Scientific and Technical Innovation Projects of the National Academy of Sciences