Increasing Ambition to Reduce the Carbon Trace of Multimodal Transportation in the Conditions of Ukraine's Economy Transformation Towards Climate Neutrality




anti-carbon policy, carbon emissions, carbon tax on fuel, decoupling, multimodal transport, climate neutrality


Introduction. It has been stated that the strategic guideline for the transformation of Ukraine's economy towards climate neutrality is to increase the ambition to reduce the carbon trace of multimodal transportation through the use of an arsenal of effective regulatory and fiscal measures.
Problem Statement. The challenge is to find ways to increase the ambition to reduce the carbon footprint of multimodal transportation in the context of transforming Ukraine's economy to climate neutrality.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to developscenarios for reducing the carbon footprint of multimodal transportation to ensure the environment preservation and well-being of the future generations.
Materials and Methods. The following methods have been used: economic and mathematical modelling on the basis of correlation-regressive analysis, for determining the dependence of greenhouse gas emissions on fuel consumption in the transport sector, cargo and passenger turnover, GDP, the number of permanent population; decoupling analysis, for estimating the impact of transport on the environment; comparative analysis, for studying the elasticity of greenhouse gas emissions with GDP changes in countries with the length of transport routes close to Ukraine; strategic analysis, for assessing the realism of NDCs2; scenario forecasting, for identifying alternative scenarios of changes in greenhouse gas emissions, provided that the traffic flows increase.
Results. For the first time, a mechanism for paying a carbon tax on fuel, which ensures a fair attitude towards environmental pollutants and a reasonable formation of the investment potential of the Decarbonisation Fund. has been proposed.
Conclusions. Having chosen the transformation of Ukraine's economy towards climate neutrality as a strategic guideline, the government shall decide to increase the ambition to reduce the carbon footprint of multimodal transportation through the use of an arsenal of effective fiscal measures.


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How to Cite

Dvigun, A., Datsii , O., Levchenko , N., Shyshkanova , G., Platonov, O., & Zalizniuk, V. (2022). Increasing Ambition to Reduce the Carbon Trace of Multimodal Transportation in the Conditions of Ukraine’s Economy Transformation Towards Climate Neutrality. Science and Innovation, 18(1), 96–111.



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