Application of the Inverse Chronopotentiometry Method to Control the Content of Toxic Elements in Refining Production




sunflower oil, production stages, toxic elements, inversion chronopotentiometry


Introduction. Ukraine is one of the world leading exporters of sunflower oil. An important safety indicator is the content of toxic elements in it, which should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations. Toxic elements
entering the human body reduce the functions of individual systems and organs and lead to immunodeficiency. The toxic elements by which food products are controlled include copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg).
Problem Statement. Despite a significant progress in the physico-chemical methods of analysis, their determination in raw materials, semi-finished products, and food products causes many difficulties.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to compare the inverse chronopotentiometry (IChP) and the atomic absorption methods while determining the content of toxic elements in sunflower oil at different stages of the
technological process of its production.
Materials and Methods. Sunflower oil obtained by pressing and extraction as well as a mix of pressed and extracted oil of different degrees of purification: hydrated, neutralized, winterized, and refined deodorized have been used for the study by the IChP and the atomic absorption methods. When determining the concentration of toxic elements by the IChP method, the duration of inversion of the anodic dissolution of metal ions that are previously accumulated during electrolysis on the surface of the indicator electrode has been determined.
Results. The analysis of oil samples has shown that they all contain toxic elements, the concentration of which decreases at each stage of oil production and does not exceed the permissible levels as established by regulations.
Conclusions. The obtained data create preconditions for wide introduction of the IChP method in refining production, inasmuch as this method allows determining the content of toxic elements in vegetable oils with a high
convergence of results –l in relation to the conventional method of atomic absorption.


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How to Cite

Melnyk, O., Galimova, V., Radzievska, I., & Marynin, A. (2021). Application of the Inverse Chronopotentiometry Method to Control the Content of Toxic Elements in Refining Production. Science and Innovation, 17(4), 89–96.



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