Tightening (Compaction) of Bi-Component Micromechanical (Granular) System





granular screen technologies, granular bi-component mixture, Kirkwood-Buff theory, packaging, compaction, Carnahan-Starling model, liquid mixtures, excess properties of mixtures


Introduction. One of the traditionally relevant problems of the theoretical framework for production and technology is the description, parameterization, and prediction of the properties of the mix depending on the parameters of the mix components. One of the most significant problems that hinder the effective use of granular
materials, for example, in the construction industry, is the difficulty of ensuring their maximum compaction to increase the efficiency of their practical application.
Problem Statement. The understanding of the principles due to which the basic parameters of such systems are formed is based on theoretical models that allow the parameterization of the measurement data in terms of parameters that characterize the individual pure components (reference data). The construction of such models is a very difficult task that requires phenomenological information from alternative sources.
Purpose. Based on the Kirkwood-Buff theory and the data of analysis of experimental data on the study of macroscopic parameters of bi-dispersed granular mix we have developed a theoretical algorithm for describing and parameterizing its physical and mechanical characteristics in terms of its macroscopic and partial properties.
Materials and Methods. The methods of theoretical statistical physics for bi-component model systems, in particular the Kirkwood-Buff theory, the model equation of the state (the Carnahan-Starling equation), and phenomenological information on the dynamics of compaction of binary granular mixes have been used in the research.
Results. Using the Kirkwood-Buff and Carnahan-Starling theories and phenomenological data, we have developed a continuous description of the macroscopic properties of binary granular systems, which operates on the partial parameters of its components.
Conclusions. The obtained data have confirmed the influence of multi-dispersion on the dynamics of compaction, i.e. the mix ability to change its local structure of packing under external impact.


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How to Cite

Gerasymov, O., Andrianova , . I. ., Spivak, A., Sidletska , L. ., Kuryatnikov, V. ., & Kilian , . A. . (2021). Tightening (Compaction) of Bi-Component Micromechanical (Granular) System. Science and Innovation, 17(4), 79–88. https://doi.org/10.15407/scine17.04.079



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