gas-fired heat installations, heat-recovery of exhaust-gases, water- and air-heater, efficiency criteriaAbstract
Introduction. The solution to the energy conservation problem in Ukraine is associated with the need to increase the efficiency of power plants. Today, it is possible to study this problem in terms of exhaust gas heat recovery systems of fuel-fired thermal plants for various purposes from the standpoint of modern integrated approaches.
Problem Statement. One of the reasons hindering the widespread use of heat-recovery systems for these plants is a low efficiency of these systems because of imperfect existing methods for their analysis and the equipment used.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to create complex methods for analyzing the efficiency and optimization of simply-configured heat-recovery systems and their individual elements.
Materials and Methods. Complex approaches based on exergy analysis methods, statistical experiment design methods, and modern methods of thermal calculation of heat-exchange equipment of heat-recovery systems
have been used.
Results. Methods for analyzing the efficiency and optimizing heat-recovery systems of gas-fired heat plants, which are based on two techniques for obtaining functional dependencies for optimization of simple heat-recovery systems or their individual elements have been developed. Examples of using the proposed methods for improving water- and air-heater in heat-recovery systems for exhaust-gases from a glass melting furnace have been presented.
Conclusions. Complex approaches to the analysis of the efficiency and the optimization of heat-recovery systems of simple structure and their individual elements have been developed/ They are based on the methods for exergy analysis, statistical experiment design method, and modern methods of thermal calculation of heat transfer equipment of heat-recovery systems. The results of solving optimization problems allow increasing the efficiency of heat-recovery systems of gas-fired power plants of various types and will be used while designing of these systems.
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