Creation of Mineral Resource Base of Strategic Materials (by Example of the Prutivskyi Copper-Nickel and Precious Metal Ore Deposit)




Sulphide copper-nickel ores, platinum group metals, precious metal ores, Prutivka complex deposit, complex ore processing, industrial deposits, investment attractiveness.


Introduction. The growing interest in the possibility of obtaining certain types of strategic (critical) metals has prompted the intensification of research in this area.
Problem Statement. Many research works have dealt with creating a mineral resource base of strategic (critical) metals. However, this issue has not been systematically considered, and no respective industrial strategy has been developed so far. Insufficient attention is paid to modern investment requirements, especially during exploration and selection of ore processing schemes.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to assess the available information on the prospects for the development of the Prutivskyi deposit of sulfide copper-nickel and precious metal ores and to outline the priority steps in order to prepare the deposit for integrated development.
Materials and Methods. Information from open (published) sources for the last 25 years, which concerns the ore-bearing capacity of Ukraine for precious and non-ferrous metals, in particular the potential platinum-bearing capacity, has been critically analyzed, given the authors’ knowledge and experience.
Results. The authors have shown the insufficiency of the available information on the prospects of the Prutivskyi deposit of sulfide copper-nickel and precious metal ores and the inconsistency of some sources. At present, about 20% of ore-promising rocks of the Prutivka intrusive massif has been studied with varying level of detail.
The authors have proven the necessity of changing approaches to the field preparation and development that should be based on modern schemes for integrated ore processing, given world investment requirements.
Conclusions. It has been shown that the final conclusion on the industrial significance and investment attractiveness of the Prutivskyi deposit can be made only after the implementation of a clearly defined set of works in compliance with modern world standards.


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Author Biography

Ihor Ye. Palkin, Ukrainian Mineralogical Society

After graduating from the Faculty of Geology of Lviv State University, he qualified as a geological engineer in geochemistry and was hired by the Ukrainian State Institute of Mineral Resources (Simferopol) - UkrSIMR (since 2000 renamed the Crimean branch of the Ukrainian State Geological Survey Institute). - KV UkrDGRI) Mingeo USSR. He worked from 1974 to 2012, from the position of trainee engineer to the position of scientific secretary and, from 2005 to 2012 - director of the department. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1986). Experience of scientific work - more than 35 years. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine. His research interests include solving the problems of diamond bearing capacity of Precambrian geological formations, forecasting and prospecting of diamond and platinoid deposits, technologies of enrichment of ores of precious, non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Author and co-author of more than 70 scientific published works and co-author of several patents for inventions.


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How to Cite

Ye. Palkin, I. ., & Falkovich, O. (2021). Creation of Mineral Resource Base of Strategic Materials (by Example of the Prutivskyi Copper-Nickel and Precious Metal Ore Deposit). Science and Innovation, 17(4), 55–61.



Scientific and Technical Innovation Projects of the National Academy of Sciences